Sunday, August 21, 2005


This weekend was definitely a time to just kick back and be relatively lazy. I met up with Erik after work at his boss' place for the second half of the company BBQ. All of the other employees had left around 4:30pm or so, but Erik stuck around until I got there around 5:30pm. Other friends started showing up around that time for burgers and other assorted foods. I left Erik around 7:00pm because I had made plans to hang out with Dos.

Saturday we took advantage of the fact that it was icky outside and hung around in our pj's until 7:00pm or so. We then decided that it was probably time to at least be sort of active, so we went to the mall and walked around. I got a shirt at the Gap. After the mall we hit Beal's since I hadn't had any ice cream at all this summer, and neither one of us had ever been to their location that's about 2 blocks from our apartment.

Sunday we got up at a decent hour. Erik went and got his haircut (he needed it done BADLY) and we then headed out to my favorite flea market which is just over the border into Westbrook. I bought an old chair that needs to have the cane seat repaired, but I'm psyched about having a project to do :-) I didn't notice until we got it into the car that it actually has two claw feet in the front. We then headed into downtown Portland to the MS Society's Harborfest. They had a whole bunch of tugboats there who apparently paid money to the MS Society to be a part of the day's festivities. I was wondering how the Society was making any money since it was free for anyone to just walk in, but Erik then told me how it works. Anyway, around 3pm they had a muster and it was so funny to see these huge tugboats race each other. It looked like they were barely moving! They had a helicopter flying very close to them, so they must have been taping for the news or for the Press Herald or something. It was pretty cool. Now we're just chilling out, waiting for the work week to begin.......

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