Monday, September 12, 2005


So my husband was bitching at me to post something since it's apparently been awhile. He has ten fingers, he could do it, too :-P Nothing too exciting has really happened in this neck of the woods. Last Friday I worked all day at the Maine Preservation conference. This year's theme - "Sacred Places at Risk." It was really interesting, but it also made me REALLY tired by the end of it all. Not only did I almost work a 12 hour day the day of, I also worked 2 and a 1/2 hours last Wednesday night in preparation for the conference AFTER having been at York all day. One of the few times where I'm glad I'm hourly.

Saturday Erik worked in the morning, and I pretty much just vegged out and enjoyed the weather. I read a lot for some reason. I finished the book I was reading plus two magazines. That night we stayed in and watched "Garden State." It was VERY good and we both highly recommend it. Sunday we went down to Boston (again) for our niece Maeve's second birthday. Nice to see the kids as always.

And that's really about it. I'm sure you were probably snoring after the second sentence. Erik is being sworn into the Coast Guard Reserves tomorrow, so maybe we'll have more to say come tomorrow evening.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Sounds like you folks are enjoying a pretty full but "normal" life. I really dislike that term, "normal" but in reality that is what it is, although you do manage to do more fun stuff than us. Good luck on the swear-in. Let us know how it went.

    Dad (the one on the Cape)
